Eat Broccoli every day for Weight Loss

Eating 1–2 cups of steamed broccoli 3 times a week is good for weight loss. Broccoli is low in calories, controls hunger, and is packed with fat-burning compounds, such as vitamins A, C, E, K, GABA, boron, chlorophyll, carotenoids, folic acid, and sulforaphane!

Broccoli is low in Calories!

Above all, broccoli is good for weight loss because it’s pretty low in calories. Cooked broccoli has only 35 calories per 100g! Moreover, a whole stalk has fewer than 100 calories![1]

A cup of boiled broccoli has about 55 calories. So, people who want to lose weight can eat as much broccoli as they want. Even 3–4 cups of broccoli a day won’t make you fat. In fact, most people can’t eat such large amounts!

A caloric deficit is key for losing weight. We lose weight, only when we consume fewer calories than we burn. Eating lots of filling, low-calorie foods makes dieting easy. Fruits and vegetables are the best options.

Protein supports Weight Loss

Additionally, broccoli is one of the richest vegetables in protein. About 7% of its calories come from protein. A medium stalk contains about 4.3 grams of protein.

Following a high-protein diet promotes weight loss. Protein has the highest thermic effect among macronutrients. We burn up to 30% of protein during digestion.[2]

In fact, foods high in water, fiber, and protein have the highest satiating score.[3]

Therefore, you could eat broccoli with other high-protein foods, such as legumes, or whole-wheat bread to feel full for hours!

Fiber in broccoli controls hunger

Moreover, broccoli is an excellent dietary source of fiber. It has 3.3 grams of fiber per 100g. This amount is 9% of the recommended daily intake!

Broccoli leaves have approximately 2.3 grams of fiber per 100g. Yes, broccoli leaves are edible and among the most nutrient-rich foods you can eat.

Fiber is good for weight loss, as it keeps us full for a long time. Fiber absorbs water, and expands, increasing food volume in the stomach. Also, it slows down digestion.

On the contrary, low fiber intake increases the risk of obesity.[4]

Furthermore, broccoli is beneficial for gastrointestinal microbiota. Fiber in broccoli, along with other phytonutrients, such as glucosinolates, are metabolized by gastrointestinal microbes. A healthy gastrointestinal microbiota is vital for good health. Also, it plays a key role in energy metabolism.[5]

Broccoli hydrates the body

Additionally, broccoli is 90% water! First, foods high in water are super filling, while they’re low in calories. Most noteworthy, the water in broccoli hydrates the body. It’s crucial to be properly hydrated to burn belly fat.

Vitamin C in broccoli promotes fat burn

Also, broccoli is good for weight loss because it’s one of the richest foods in vitamin C. Raw broccoli contains 91 mg of vitamin C per 100g, which is the recommended daily intake! A small floret of boiled broccoli provides 100% of the DV.

Broccoli leaves are high in vitamin C as well. They have slightly more vitamin C than broccoli florets, with 93.2 mg of vitamin C per 100g.

Prefer to steam broccoli in order to preserve most vitamin C. Vitamin C is pretty vulnerable to heat. Almost 30% of its vitamin C content is lost during boiling. In order to preserve more vitamin C, it’s better to steam broccoli and other vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as cauliflower, kale, or spinach.

Vitamin C is good for weight loss. It helps the body burn fat for energy. Furthermore, vitamin C enhances iron absorption. Broccoli contains decent amounts of iron as well.

Broccoli has 54% more vitamin C than orange!


It contains 0.69 mg of iron per 100g. A serving of broccoli contains about 0.52 mg of iron or 3% DV.

Broccoli leaves contain 27% more iron than broccoli florets! Broccoli leaves have 0.88 mg of iron per 100g.

You can add broccoli to recipes with meat, poultry, or seafood, as animal-based foods enhance iron absorption!

Adequate iron intake is important for good health. Iron is a key component of hemoglobin; a protein of red blood cells that transfers oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

Also, iron is vital for muscle metabolism, healthy connective tissue, energy metabolism, cellular functioning, physical growth, neurological development, and the synthesis of some hormones, amino acids, and collagen.[6,7]

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide, though! It may lead to serious side effects, such as gastrointestinal disturbances, weakened immune function, and fatigue.[8]

Get Vitamin K to burn fat

Vitamin K is beneficial for weight loss, as it plays a key role in fat and glucose metabolism.[9]

Moreover, broccoli is particularly rich in vitamin K1. It has 141 mcg of vitamin K1 per 100g or 115% DV! A cup of cooked broccoli has 170 mcg of vitamin K which is 140% DV.

Besides broccoli floret, the stem and leaves are excellent sources of vitamin K1 as well.[10]

Cooked and raw broccoli have a similar vitamin K content. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. It doesn’t dissolve in water. Also, it isn’t vulnerable to heat.[11]

Broccoli leaves have 3 times more vitamin K than florets!

Broccoli leaves are high in vitamin E

Furthermore, broccoli leaves are pretty rich in vitamin E. They provide about 20% of the DV per 100g. On the contrary, florets and stems contain negligible amounts of vitamin E.

Vitamin E may improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation![12]

The best dietary sources of vitamin E are seeds and nuts, such as sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios, and hazelnuts! Spinach is also high in vitamin E.

Carotenoids in broccoli promote weight loss

Additionally, broccoli is an excellent natural source of carotenoids. Fresh broccoli florets have 93 mcg of beta-carotene and 745 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin per 100g. Also, they contain high amounts of violaxanthin and neoxanthin! Broccoli leaves contain about 5 times more carotenoids, though! Broccoli leaves are more nutrient-dense than florets!

Obese people must consume high amounts of carotenoids from fruits and vegetables. Obese and overweight people tend to have lower blood concentrations of carotenoids. Carotenoids prevent the development of obesity. They enhance weight loss, as they promote fat burn.[13,14,15]

Other common foods high in carotenoids, which are good for weight loss, are kale, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, and spinach!

Chlorophyll in broccoli for weight loss

Chlorophyll is the the green pigment of plants. Broccoli is pretty high in chlorophyll. Especially, broccoli leaves! Florets have about 100 mg, stems 16 mg, and leaves 525 mg of chlorophyll per 100g (dry weight), respectively.

Consuming foods rich in chlorophyll is good for weight loss, as chlorophyll may improve glucose tolerance, and fight inflammation.[16]

Also, foods containing chlorophyll are very filling.[17]

Broccoli is packed with phytochemicals which promote weight loss

Furthermore, broccoli is good for weight loss because it’s a good dietary source of sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is a phytochemical mainly found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage. This plant compound prevents obesity, as it:[18,19]

  • increases metabolism
  • improves insulin resistance
  • fights obesity-induced inflammation
  • burns belly fat

But, raw broccoli doesn’t contain sulforaphane. It contains its inactive form, called glucoraphanin. We have to chop or chew broccoli to get sulforaphane.

Moreover, broccoli is one of the richest foods in folic acid. Folic acid is necessary for weight loss, as it’s involved in protein and lipid metabolism.

Broccoli contains high amounts of GABA

Additionally, broccoli is one of the richest foods in GABA. It has about 77 nmol/g of GABA (dry weight).[20]

GABA is beneficial for weight loss. This chemical may increase Human Growth Hormone, reduce appetite, and improve sleep quality, and insulin sensitivity!

It’s one of the richest vegetables in Calcium!

Raw broccoli contains approximately 47 mg of calcium per 100g. That’s 5% DV. A medium stalk, which is a typical serving, has 71 mg of calcium or 7% DV.

In order to preserve most calcium in broccoli, you shouldn’t overcook it. Prefer steaming broccoli.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body! It’s vital for bone structure and strong teeth. Calcium deficiency may lead to osteoporosis.

In addition, calcium is involved in muscle movement and flexibility, blood vessel contraction and dilation, blood clotting, nerve transmission, and hormonal secretion. Most noteworthy, adequate amounts of calcium may lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, and even certain cancers.[21]

Keep in mind that we must have normal levels of vitamin D for optimal calcium absorption. As there aren’t many foods high in vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency is pretty common. In fact, many people would benefit from taking vitamin D supplements. You’ll find a wide variety on iHerb.

Calcium in broccoli is highly bioavailable, as broccoli is poor in oxalates.

Boron in broccoli helps lose weight

Also, broccoli contains moderate amounts of boron. This trace mineral may increase sex hormone levels, such as testosterone, reduce inflammation, prevent vitamin D deficiency, and help lose weight. We can get more than enough boron from our diet. See the whole list of foods high in boron here.

Eat Broccoli leaves

Broccoli leaves are edible. You can eat all parts of the broccoli plant. Broccoli crown, stem and leaves are all edible. We can eat all broccoli leaves. if you grow broccoli of your own, you can eat the large leaves that surround the head of broccoli.[22]

The only poisonous part of broccoli is the mature seeds. You shouldn’t eat broccoli when the flowers have matured. Seeds in flowers can be toxic. We eat the immature flowers of broccoli.

The small broccoli leaves close to the broccoli head are more tender.

Broccoli leaves are Nutrient-dense foods

Broccoli leaves are particularly rich in:

  • vitamin A. They contain 16,000 IU of vitamin A per 100g.
  • vitamin C. They contain the recommended daily intake per serving.
  • vitamin K. Broccoli leaves are among the best dietary sources of vitamin K.
  • vitamin E. Broccoli leaves provide about 20% DV per 100g. Florets and stems contain negligible amounts.
  • chlorophyll. They contain about 525 mg per 100g (dry weight). Broccoli leaves contain 5 times more chlorophyll than florets!
  • protein. They contain almost 3 grams of protein per 100g.
  • fiber. They have about 2.8 grams of fiber per 100g which is 8% DV.

How much broccoli should I eat a day to lose weight?

Broccoli is a low-calorie, nutrient-dense superfood. You can eat as much broccoli as you want. Practically, you can’t gain weight from broccoli.

Consuming broccoli regularly, as part of a healthy, well-balanced, hypocaloric diet, is good for weight loss. You could eat broccoli 2–3 times a week, or even more.

According to a study, a weekly dose of broccoli of 400 grams (about 2 medium florets) helps reduce the risk of certain types of cancers.[23]

Just remember to steam broccoli and chew it thoroughly. Boiling destroys its powerful phytochemicals while chewing makes them more bioavailable.[24]

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