What’s the maximum safe dose of vitamin E a day?

The maximum safe dose of vitamin E is 1,000 mg for healthy adults. Most dietary supplements and foods are considered pretty safe, as they don’t have too much vitamin E.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin E is 15 mg for adults and teenagers. Children need lower dosages.

We can get either the natural or synthetic form of vitamin E. But, the synthetic form is only half active as compared to the natural form.

The natural form is found in foods and certain dietary supplements labeled as “d-alpha-tocopherol”. In contrast, dietary supplements labelled as “dl-alpha-tocopherol” contain the synthetic form of vitamin E.

What’s the maximum safe dose of vitamin E?

The maximum safe daily dose of vitamin E is 1,000 mg for adults.

Moreover, teenagers shouldn’t consume more than 800 mg of vitamin E a day. Furthermore, the maximum safe dose for children is 200-600 mg, depending on their age.[1]

Chronic dosages higher than the maximum safe intake may cause severe adverse effects. For instance, extremely high doses of vitamin E from supplements may increase all-cause mortality, and increase the risk of high blood pressure and prostate cancer![2]

Additionally, vitamin E supplements may interact with certain types of medications. Thus, you should consult your physician before taking any dietary supplement containing vitamin E.

Can I get too much vitamin E from food?

The maximum dose stands only for dietary supplements. Research hasn’t found any adverse effects from consuming foods high in vitamin E. After all, we can’t possibly get too much vitamin E from diet. Common foods don’t contain high doses of vitamin E.

Do I need high doses of vitamin E from dietary supplements?

People who follow the standard Western diet, or a diet low in fat, may fail to meet the recommended daily intake of vitamin E.

Common foods high in vitamin E are seeds, nuts (e.g. almonds), avocado, and olive oil. Broccoli, kiwis, mango, tomato, and spinach are also great natural sources of vitamin E.

Therefore, healthy people who follow a well-balanced diet don’t need high doses of vitamin E from supplements. We can get more than enough vitamin E from food.

Do supplements have more vitamin E than the maximum daily dose?

Most vitamin E supplements don’t exceed the maximum safe dose. They contain between 180 and 670 mg of vitamin E per tablet. Hence, they’re considered pretty safe.

You can find a wide variety of vitamin E supplements at unbeatable prices on iHerb.

As a rule of thumb, prefer supplements containing low amounts of vitamin E, though. Also, prefer supplements with the natural form of vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol), as they have increased bioavailability.

Always consult your healthcare provider before taking any supplement.

Health benefits of vitamin E

Vitamin E is actually a group of fat-soluble compounds with potent antioxidant action. Another name of vitamin E is alpha-tocopherol.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It protects us from oxidative stress and chronic diseases associated with free radicals. For instance, oxidative stress has been linked to cancer, aging, arthritis and cataracts! In fact, vitamin E has been shown to be effective against these diseases.[3]

Moreover, vitamin E seems to be beneficial against cardiovascular disease, asthma, allergies and diabetes.

Also, vitamin E is vital for a strong immune system and an elastic skin.

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