What’s the maximum safe dose of lecithin from supplements?

Lecithin supplementation is safe. There hasn’t been established a maximum safe dose! Even high daily dosages of 1,400 mg from dietary supplements are rather unlikely to cause any side effects.

Health benefits of lecithin

Lecithin is a nutrient that naturally occurs in food. It isn’t a single substance. Actually, lecithin is a group of compounds. Lecithin is a mixture of choline, choline esters, fatty acids, glycerol, glycolipids, triglycerides, phosphoric acid, and phospholipids.[1]

Lecithin is vital for the proper functioning of the brain, and nerves. It’s a mixture of neutral lipids, which are significant constituents of the central nervous system. Lecithin enhances neuronal development.[2]

Above all, lecithin is essential for normal liver function.[3]

Lecithin is a precursor for choline. In the body, lecithin is broken down into choline. Choline is necessary for modulating gene expression, lipid metabolism and transport, as well as cellular membrane composition, signaling and repair.

Choline plays a key role in brain cells. It protects neurons. So, it may be beneficial for preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, choline may protect from certain types of cancer. It allows cells to die rather than to turn into malignant cells (cancers) when they undergo mutations.[4]

Lecithin has been shown to increase serum choline levels more effectively than orally administered choline!

Furthermore, lecithin may help reduce high cholesterol by increasing biliary secretion or by reducing the intestinal absorption. A daily dosage of 500 mg for 2 months reduced total cholesterol by 42% and LDL-cholesterol by 56% in patients with elevated cholesterol.[5]

Also, lecithin may lower high blood pressure, which is the most common risk factor for stroke, coronary heart disease and heart failure. High daily soy lecithin dosages of 1,200 mg are more beneficial, as compared to lower dosages of 600 mg.[6,7]

Moreover, supplemental lecithin has been recommended as a treatment for plugged milk ducts.

There hasn’t been established an official recommended daily intake of lecithin.

What’s the maximum dose of lecithin I can safely take a day?

There hasn’t been established a maximum safe dose of lecithin, either.

Lecithin is usually well tolerated. It’s considered to be “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

It’s rather unlikely to cause any side effects. Even extremely high dosages are safe.

Although, there isn’t a maximum safe dose of lecithin, you better consume no more than 1,400 mg of lecithin a day. Most dietary supplements contain between 1,200 and 1,400 mg of lecithin per serving.

Certainly, you should consult your physician before taking lecithin supplements. Especially, if you’re pregnant, lactating mother, take drugs, or have any health issue.

You’ll find a wide variety of lecithin supplements on iHerb.

Can I get too much lecithin from food?

You can’t possibly get too much lecithin from food.

Foods high in lecithin are eggs, soybeans, cow’s milk, peanuts, sunflower seeds, rapeseed, and whole grains.

Organ meat, such as the liver and kidney, are particularly high in lecithin as well.

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