How much fiber in a cup of white & whole wheat pasta?

Pasta is high in fiber. Especially, whole wheat pasta. It contains 3.9 grams of fiber per 100g, which is more than twice the fiber content of white pasta.

How much dietary fiber do we need a day?

Consuming adequate amounts of fiber is vital for our health. High fiber intake has been linked to a significantly lower risk of developing coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases. Furthermore, more fiber may lower blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels![1]

Also, we should consume lots of foods high in fiber, as it improves insulin sensitivity and enhances immune function!

Most noteworthy, fiber contributes to a healthy gut microbiota, which is crucial for health. It fights inflammations, improves metabolic processes, and promotes weight loss, due to regulation of appetite![2]

The recommended daily intake of fiber is 28 grams per 2,000 calories. However, average fiber intakes for people who follow the standard Western diet is less than half of the recommended levels!

On the other hand, too much fiber is unlikely to cause any significant side effect.

Is white pasta high in fiber?

All types of pasta (spaghetti, ravioli, linguine, penne etc.) are excellent dietary sources of fiber. Cooked white pasta contains about 1.8 grams of fiber per 100g. In fact, a cup of white pasta contains about 1.9 grams of fiber, or almost 7% of the recommended daily intake![3]

All pasta types have the same fiber content per 100g. However, penne, spaghetti, shells, lasagna, and other pasta types have a slightly different fiber content per cup. It depends on their size and shape. We eat larger amounts of pasta with less volume.

What’s the fiber content of whole wheat pasta?

Whole wheat pasta contains much more fiber than white pasta. It contains about 3.9 grams of fiber per 100g. A serving of cooked whole grain spaghetti contains 5.9 grams of fiber. This dose is 22% of the Daily Value!

In fact, whole grain pasta contains more than twice as much fiber as white pasta.

Consuming reasonable amounts of whole wheat pasta is good for weight loss. A serving has only 225 calories, while its high fiber content keeps us full for a long time. Fiber in pasta regulates energy intake.

Common foods high in fiber

If you want to increase the daily fiber intake, you should follow a whole food, plant-based diet. Only plants are rich in fiber. In fact, beans, vegetables, fruits, whole-grains, seeds, and nuts are particularly high in fiber! Even favorite foods such as bread, potatoes, popcorn, and bananas are great sources of fiber.

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