Pantothenic Acid: maximum safe daily dosage
There isn’t a maximum safe daily dosage of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). We can safely get high doses from food or supplements!
There isn’t a maximum safe daily dosage of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). We can safely get high doses from food or supplements!
There isn’t a maximum safe dosage of biotin, neither from dietary supplements nor foods. We can safely get higher doses than we actually need.
There isn’t a maximum safe dose of potassium for healthy people. We can safely get higher doses than the recommended daily intake of 3,400 mg
The maximum daily safe dose of selenium is 400 mcg. Too much selenium either from dietary supplements or Brazil nuts may cause side effects!
We need at least 0.9 mg of copper a day for weight loss. Copper is involved in energy metabolism & burns belly fat.
Garlic can boost metabolism, reduce body fat, and improve body composition while also promoting heart health, immunity, and anti-inflammatory effects.
The maximum safe dose of vitamin B6 is 100 mg, while the recommended daily intake is less than 2 mg. Vitamin B6 toxicity is unlikely, though.
The maximum safe dose of iron is 45 mg a day. Excess iron from supplements can cause side effects. But, iron-rich foods don’t cause toxicity.
Drinking fruits juices high in iron, such as prune and raspberry juice, can significantly increase your daily iron intake.
The maximum safe dosage of vitamin A in the form of retinol is 3,000 mcg. Higher doses, from food or supplements, can cause side effects!