Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is good for weight loss!
Riboflavin supports weight loss, as it plays a key role in carb, fat & protein metabolism. We have higher needs when dieting or exercising!
Riboflavin supports weight loss, as it plays a key role in carb, fat & protein metabolism. We have higher needs when dieting or exercising!
There are many animal & plant-based foods high in riboflavin. Meat, dairy, eggs, almonds, seeds & bread help meet our daily needs.
People who follow a hypocaloric diet for weight loss need higher doses of thiamine than the recommended daily intake of 1.2 mg.
The best time to eat a tbsp of peanut butter is before a calorie-dense meal. Fiber & protein reduce hunger and minerals boost the metabolism!
The best time to eat chocolate for weight loss is in the afternoon, about 3 hours after lunch. It satisfies your sweet tooth & reduces hunger.
We need 16 mg of niacin a day for weight loss, as it plays a key role in the metabolism of carbs, fat & protein. Diet provides this dose!
Seeds, nuts, turmeric, ginger, green tea, ginseng & rhodiola are only a few common foods which can naturally lower high cortisol levels.
We may naturally reduce elevated homocysteine levels by getting high dosages of vitamins B2, B6, B12 & folate from foods or supplements.
Healthy adults should get at least 400 mcg of folate from food in order to lose weight. Folic acid supplements won’t help you burn more fat.
The richest foods in folate (folic acid) are spices, herbs, seeds, nuts, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains & beer!