Can I get too much omega-3s from food or supplements?

What dose of omega-3s is too much?

There isn’t an official maximum safe dosage of omega-3s. But, we better consume no more than 2,700 mg of ALA & 2,000 mg of EPA/DHA a day.

Walnuts are rich in Protein

Walnuts are rich in Protein

Walnuts have 15.2 grams of protein per 100g, or 4.3 grams per handful. A serving provides 4-11% of the required daily intake!

dates have decent amounts of calcium!

Are dates rich in calcium?

Dates have decent amounts of calcium. They have 64 mg of calcium per 100g, or 6.4% DV. Just a date contains 15.4 mg of calcium, or 1.5% DV.