Mushrooms are high in protein.

Are mushrooms high in protein?

Mushrooms are good dietary sources of protein. Actually, they’re 20-45% protein. A serving provides up to 3 g of protein.

Mushrooms are high in fiber.

Are mushrooms high in fiber?

Mushrooms are excellent sources of dietary fiber. A serving of most common mushrooms provides 2-3 g of fiber, or 8-12% DV.

Fish & seafood are excellent dietary sources of vitamin B12.

Is fish rich in vitamin B12?

Fish & seafood are excellent dietary sources of vitamin B12. A serving of most common fish provides more than the recommended daily intake!

Chicken & other poultry are high in vitamin B12.

Does chicken have vitamin B12?

Chicken & other poultry are good sources of vitamin B12. Chicken contains up to 0.56 mcg of vitamin B12 per 100g, or 26% DV per serving.

Melon is good for weight loss, and especially, fat loss.

Is melon good for fat loss?

Melon is good for weight loss. Vitamin C, carotenoids, minerals, water & fiber in melon help burn fat and control appetite & cravings.