How much zinc in fish & other seafood?
Oysters are the richest seafood in zinc, containing 37.9 mg of zinc per 100g, while anchovies & sardines are the richest fish in zinc.
Oysters are the richest seafood in zinc, containing 37.9 mg of zinc per 100g, while anchovies & sardines are the richest fish in zinc.
Anchovies & sardines are the richest fish in iron, containing up to 3.3 mg per 100g. Octopus, oysters & clams are also iron-rich seafood.
Beans are particularly high in fiber. They have up to 10.5 g of fiber per 100g. A serving provides up to 65% of the required daily intake!
Meat has decent amounts of magnesium. Poultry, beef, pork & lamb contain 20-34 mg of magnesium per 100g. A serving provides 4-7% DV.
Beans are magnesium-rich foods, helping us meet our daily needs. They have up to 86 mg of magnesium per 100g, providing 35% DV per serving!
Water is a good source of magnesium, providing 6-31% DV. Most tap & mineral/spring bottled waters have 0-50 mg of magnesium per Liter.
Eggs have a low magnesium content. They have about 11 mg of magnesium per 100g. A whole egg provides 5.7 mg of magnesium, or 1.4% DV.
Seafood is a good dietary source of magnesium. Fish provides up to 22% DV, while crabs, lobster & shrimps provide 7-8% DV per serving.
Spinach is one of the richest foods in magnesium, containing 79 mg per 100g. A medium serving provides up to 16% of the required daily dose!
Cow’s milk as well as plant-based milks are rich in magnesium. They have approximately 12 mg of magnesium per 100g. A glass provides 7% DV.