lettuce is high in fiber

How much fiber in lettuce?

Lettuce has 1.8 grams of fiber per 100g. Even a small 1-cup serving of lettuce helps us meet our daily fiber needs, as it provides 5% DV.

maximum safe dose of dietary fiber

How much fiber is too much?

Most people can safely consume up to 70 grams of fiber a day. This dose is twice the recommended daily intake!

Is bread a good source of fiber?

Which bread is richer in fiber?

White bread has only 2.3 grams of fiber per 100g, while whole grain bread has up to 7.4 grams of fiber per 100g! It has 3 times more fiber!

Watermelon seeds aren't poisonous. They're edible!

Are watermelon seeds edible?

Not only are watermelon seeds edible, but also, they’re rich in nutrients! They aren’t poisonous, as they have negligible amounts of cyanide.

foods high in beta-glucan

The richest foods in beta-glucan.

The richest foods in beta-glucan are oats & barley. A cup of oatmeal has 3 grams of beta-glucan, which is the minimum required daily intake!

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