Maximum safe dose of magnesium from supplements

The maximum safe daily dose of magnesium from dietary supplements is 350 mg. There hasn’t been established a maximum safe dose of magnesium from food.

The recommended daily intake of magnesium is 400-420 mg and 310-320 mg for adult men and women, respectively. Pregnant and lactating women need about 360 mg and 320 mg, respectively. Children need lower doses.

What’s the maximum dose of magnesium I can safely take a day?

Actually, there isn’t a maximum safe dose of magnesium from food. We can’t get too much magnesium from diet. Healthy people excrete excess magnesium in the urine.

However, excess magnesium from dietary supplements can cause side effects. Thus, the Food and National Board has established a maximum safe dose of magnesium from supplements.

In fact, the maximum safe dose of magnesium from dietary supplements for healthy adults, teenagers, and children older than 9 years is 350 mg a day. The maximum safe dosage of magnesium from supplements is only 110 mg for 4–8 years old children.

Side effects of getting too much magnesium

Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, and facial flushing are the most common side effects of too much magnesium from dietary supplements.

If you have a sensitive stomach, you better avoid certain magnesium forms, such as carbonate, chloride, gluconate, and oxide. They are more likely to upset you.

On the other hand, magnesium in the aspartate, citrate, and lactate forms is better absorbed.

Furthermore, extremely high amounts of magnesium may cause severe side effects, such as vomiting, sleepiness, muscle weakness, depression, extreme low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and more.

Moreover, patients with certain disease, such as impaired renal function, should consult their physician before taking magnesium supplements or changing their diet. Their kidneys can’t remove excess magnesium as effectively.

Do I need dietary supplements containing magnesium?

Unfortunately, approximately half of the US population consumes less than the recommended daily intake of magnesium. Poor diet is the main reason of low magnesium intake.[1]

Furthermore, soil is depleted of minerals, due to modern intensive agriculture technics. Hence, crops contain less magnesium than they used to be.

Also, processed foods and demineralized water contribute to magnesium deficiency. Actually, about 10% of the daily magnesium requirement is derived from water.

Consuming many foods high in magnesium is enough for healthy people. In cases of poor diet, pregnancy, or strenuous exercise, magnesium supplementation might be beneficial. Also, magnesium supplementation could be beneficial for people with low levels of magnesium.

Do supplements exceed the maximum daily safe dose?

Most dietary supplements contain 100-1,000 mg of magnesium per tablet. Hence, many dietary supplements exceed the maximum safe dose of magnesium.

As a rule of thumb, you shouldn’t exceed the maximum daily dose of 350 mg. You could take higher doses, only under medical advice.

You can find a wide variety of magnesium supplements on iHerb.

Can I get too much magnesium from food?

There hasn’t been established a maximum safe dosage of magnesium from food. In fact, eating foods high in magnesium is the safest way to boost magnesium intake.

Following a well-balanced, plant-based diet can significantly increase your magnesium intake. As a rule of thumb, foods high in dietary fiber are also high in magnesium.

Green vegetables (especially spinach), seeds, nuts (e.g. almonds, cashews, walnuts), beans, and whole grain cereals are the best dietary sources of magnesium.

The richest common food in magnesium is pumpkin seeds, though. 1 oz has 168 mg, or 40% of the recommended daily intake!

Furthermore, banana and avocados are the richest common fruits in magnesium.

You should prefer whole grain products. The germ and bran are the richest parts in minerals, such as magnesium. Refined grains have substantially less magnesium.

Milk has moderate amounts of magnesium as well.

Our bodies absorb about 30-40% of magnesium of foods. For increased absorption rates, you should have high levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D can stimulate intestinal magnesium absorption. On the other hand, magnesium is required for the metabolism of vitamin D in the liver and the kidneys, and for its transportation in the serum.

Health benefits of magnesium

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. It’s crucial for health. For instance, magnesium acts as a cofactor for more than 300 enzymes and plays a key role in DNA synthesis! 

Moreover, magnesium is involved in energy production, glycemic control, protein synthesis, myocardial contraction, and blood pressure regulation. Hence, magnesium can play a therapeutic and preventive role in several conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, bronchial asthma, preeclampsia, migraine, and cardiovascular diseases.[2,3]

Also, magnesium plays a key role in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, muscular relaxation, bone development and mineralization. After all, almost all magnesium is stored in bones and muscles.

Low levels of magnesium are a common cause of cramps. Athletes should be extra cautious with magnesium intakes. Along with calcium and potassium, magnesium is key for muscle contraction, conduction of nerve impulses, and heart rhythm.

Furthermore, magnesium might protect from oxidative stress, as it’s necessary for the synthesis of glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant.

People who want to lose weight should get high doses of magnesium as well. Magnesium regulates glucose metabolism, and prevents fluid retention.

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