Which is better for weight loss, peanut butter or tahini?

Eating a tablespoon of either tahini or peanut butter is beneficial as part of a well-balanced, hypocaloric diet. But, tahini is better for weight loss, as it has a superior nutritional value.


Peanut butter and tahini are nutrient-rich spreads. Both are beneficial for weight loss when consumed in moderation.

It’s important to eat only small amounts of peanut butter or tahini if you want to lose weight. Both have too many calories. In fact, peanut butter and tahini have a similar calorie content. A tablespoon of:[1]

  • tahini has 89 calories
  • peanut butter has 95 calories

So, most people can eat only a tablespoon of either spread if they want to lose weight. Only very active people and athletes can consume much higher dosages.

Even so, a PB&J sandwich can play a beneficial role in your weight loss efforts!


Moreover, both peanut butter and tahini are beneficial in a hypocaloric diet for weight loss, as they’re high in protein. A tablespoon of:

  • tahini has 2.6 grams of high-quality, plant-based protein
  • peanut butter has 3.6 grams of protein

Peanut butter has almost 40% more protein than tahini.

Protein supports weight loss because it:[2]

  • promotes satiety. Especially when consumed with fiber.
  • has a high thermic effect. About of 30% of calories of protein are burned during digestion.
  • prevents loss of fat-free body mass during dieting. Muscle mass plays a key role in energy metabolism.


In addition, tahini and peanut butter are good for weight loss because they’re great sources of fiber. A tablespoon of:

  • tahini has 1.4 grams of fiber. This dose is 5% of the Daily Value!
  • peanut butter has 0.95 grams of fiber, or 3% of the DV.

Tahini has almost 50% more fiber than peanut butter!

A high-fiber diet has been associated with a lower risk of obesity. Fiber promotes satiety, and improves insulin sensitivity.[3]


Tahini is healthier than peanut butter for weight loss because it has a better nutritional value. For instance, tahini has 8 times more calcium than peanut butter.

A tablespoon of:

  • tahini has about 65 mg of calcium. This dose is 6% of the DV.
  • peanut butter has only 8 mg of calcium. This dose is less than 1% of the DV.

Calcium is crucial for reducing body weight and burning belly fat. It’s involved in fat metabolism, and thermogenesis. Also, it prevents the synthesis of fat mass.[4]

Actually, tahini is the richest vegan food in calcium.


Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder worldwide.[5]

Iron deficiency has been linked to increased risk of obesity. Low levels of iron may cause low energy levels and fatigue. Inactivity further causes weight gain![6,7]

Tahini has almost 5 times more iron than peanut butter! In fact, tahini is one of the richest vegan foods in iron! A tablespoon of:

  • tahini has 1.34 grams of iron, or 7% of the DV
  • peanut butter has 0.28 grams of iron. This dose is only 1% of the DV.

Vegans in particular would benefit by the regular tahini consumption.


In addition, tahini and peanut butter support weight loss because they’re excellent dietary sources of zinc. A tablespoon of:

  • tahini provides 0.7 grams of zinc, or 6% of the DV
  • peanut butter has 0.46 grams of zinc, or 4% of the DV.

Tahini has about 50% more zinc than peanut butter.

High zinc intakes may play an effective role in the treatment of obesity. Zinc as part of a calorie restricted diet seems to regulate appetite and improve insulin sensitivity.[8]

As tahini is rich in various minerals that involved in protein and glucose metabolism, athletes should consume it after strenuous exercise.


Magnesium acts as a cofactor for many cellular enzymes required in energy metabolism. It’s involved in insulin sensitivity.

Peanut butter is one of the best dietary sources of magnesium. A tablespoon of:

  • peanut butter provides 7% of the DV
  • tahini provides 3% of the DV

Banana, avocado, beans, seeds, and nuts are also high in magnesium.

infographics | tahini vs peanut butterPin


Eating foods high in phosphorus may decrease body weight, waist circumference, and body mass index (BMI).

Both spreads are particularly rich in phosphorus. A tablespoon of:

  • tahini provides 16% of the DV
  • peanut butter provides 8% of the DV


Copper is an essential trace element. Copper imbalance has been linked to fat accumulation.

Tahini is particularly rich in copper. A tbsp provides 27% of the DV! A tbsp of peanut butter provides 9% of the DV.


Furthermore, both tahini and peanut butter are high in manganese. A tablespoon of:

  • tahini provides 10% of the DV
  • peanut butter provides 11% of the DV

Obese people have lower levels of manganese.[9]

Healthy fats

In addition, both tahini and peanut butter have healthy fats. They’re high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. When consumed in moderation, these fats are good for the heart.[10]

On the other hand, butter and other animal-based foods are high in saturated fat, which can raise LDL-cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease.

Also, tahini and peanut butter have decent amounts of potassium, thiamine, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin E, and many more! Tahini, in particular, is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat.

How to eat tahini & peanut butter for weight loss?

Above all, you should eat tahini, peanut butter, or any other spread with whole-grain bread. Whole grain bread has 3 times more fiber than white bread. For instance, a slice of whole wheat bread with tahini provides about 15% of the recommended daily intake of fiber!

Also, instead of honey or any other low-quality syrup, you could add a tablespoon of fruit jam to your favorite tahini or peanut butter snack.

Prefer jams from berries, such as strawberries, cranberries or blueberries. All berries are high in fiber, while they’re naturally low in sugars! In fact, cranberries have the lowest amount of sugar as compared to other fruits!

Also, berries are packed with antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants fight chronic low-grade inflammations which can cause obesity!

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