Can I Eat a Turkey Sandwich on the Mediterranean Diet?

A turkey sandwich can be a delicious and healthy option on a Mediterranean diet, but it’s important to prioritize quality ingredients and moderate portion sizes.

Turkey is good for Weight Loss

Turkey sandwich is good for weight loss, as turkey is an excellent animal source of protein with only a few calories and saturated fat.


Turkey is a great protein source. It has about 27 grams of protein per 100g. Protein is good for weight loss as it promotes satiety. Also, about 30% of calories of protein are burned during digestion!

Two slices of turkey provide about 9 grams of protein and only 65 calories!

Turkey has a few calories because it’s lean meat. It has 10.4 grams of fat per 100g. Two slices have only 3.3 grams of fat.

Moreover, turkey sandwich is particularly high in tryptophan. This amino acid is involved in the synthesis of many sleep hormones. So, eating a turkey sandwich at dinner supports a good night’s sleep. Quality sleep is beneficial for weight loss.

Saturated fat

Meat and other animal-derived products are high in saturated fat, though. High amounts can be dangerous.

Worried about gaining weight from your beloved turkey sandwich while following the famous Mediterranean Diet plan? These tips can help you avoid it.Pin

Hence, we should eat only small portions of lean meats. Too much saturated fat can increase the risk of high cholesterol levels, heart disease, and stroke. According to the American Heart Association, we shouldn’t consume more than 13 grams of saturated fat a day.[1]

Turkey is among the meats with the lowest amount of saturated fat. It has only 3.5 grams of saturated fat per 100g. Two slices have 1.1 grams of saturated fat. This dose is 8.5% of the maximum recommended intake.


In addition, turkey is among the animal foods with the lowest cholesterol content. Two slices have only 30 mg of cholesterol.[2]

Tuna sandwich is also a healthy snack for weight loss. It has negligible amount of cholesterol or saturated fat.

Can a turkey sandwich be part of the Mediterranean diet?

A turkey sandwich can be a part of the modern Mediterranean diet, though it’s not a traditional food in the ancient Mediterranean. Turkey meat itself is lean, rich in protein, and fits well with the Mediterranean diet’s emphasis on whole foods and lean proteins.

To make it more Mediterranean-friendly, the sandwich can include whole grain bread, olive oil, leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, and Mediterranean herbs like oregano or basil. By adding Mediterranean ingredients like olive oil, veggies, and herbs, a turkey sandwich can easily be adapted to fit into the modern Mediterranean diet.

Did Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians Eat Something Similar?

Ancient Mediterranean civilizations, such as the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, did not have sandwiches in the way we think of them today, but they did eat bread-based meals.

Ancient Greeks ate flatbread, which they topped with cheese, olives, and herbs.

Romans used panis, a type of bread, often dipping it in olive oil, or eating it with meats, cheeses, or fish.

Egyptians had flatbread, which were used to scoop up beans, vegetables, and sometimes meat.

Though they didn’t make “sandwiches” as we know them, the idea of combining bread, meat, and other ingredients was certainly present.

Alternative Mediterranean Recipes Similar to a Turkey Sandwich

Pita Wraps: A Mediterranean take on the sandwich, where turkey or chicken can be wrapped in a pita with veggies like lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, and topped with tzatziki or tahini sauce.

Fattoush or Falafel Sandwiches: Middle Eastern and Mediterranean flavors with whole grain flatbread, vegetables, herbs, and sauces, often with lean meat or plant-based proteins like falafel.

Greek Gyro: A classic Mediterranean wrap featuring seasoned meat (lamb, chicken, or turkey) in pita with fresh vegetables, tzatziki, and olive oil.

Bruschetta with Turkey: An Italian-inspired dish where turkey can be served on toasted whole grain bread with olive oil, tomatoes, basil, and garlic.

When are turkey sandwiches fattening?

Turkey sandwiches with white bread

Turkey sandwiches can make you fat, due to white bread. White bread is fattening.

It doesn’t promote satiety, as it has negligible amounts of fiber. Furthermore, many breads contain added sugar. Hence, it has a high glycemic index of 75. Foods with a high glycemic index make us gain weight.

Also, white bread has too many calories. It has about 270 calories per 100g! Bread of a medium sandwich has approximately 150 calories!

In addition, a turkey sandwich with white bread is unhealthy because it has a poor nutritional value.

Eat whole grain bread

On the other hand, whole grain bread can keep you full for hours because it’s high in fiber. Fiber delays digestion and regulates glucose responses.

Furthermore, whole grain bread is packed with minerals, which play a key role in energy metabolism.

Thus, reasonable amounts of bread are beneficial for weight loss.

Dressings in turkey sandwiches make you fat

Moreover, turkey sandwich can make you fat due to calorie-dense dressings.

Most dressings are high in calories because they’re high in fat and sugar. Vegetable oils and butter are almost 100% fat. They are the most calorie-dense foods. For instance, full-fat mayonnaise has about 100 calories per tablespoon!

Avoid adding too much full-fat mayonnaise or other fattening dressings and sauces.

Dressings for weight loss

You could eat low-calorie dressings, instead. For instance, low-fat mayonnaise has about 65% fewer calories! A tablespoon of light mayonnaise has only 36 calories.

Another great dressing for any sandwich is mustard. Mustard is low in calories. A tablespoon has only 10 calories!

Can I eat a turkey sandwich a day in the Mediterranean Diet?Pin

Furthermore, you could add small amounts of tahini to your turkey sandwich. It has a unique flavor. Although tahini has many calories, it supports weight loss. It has a great nutritional value.

Also, you could add garlic powder and other spices to your sandwich dressing. Spices help lose weight and have many health benefits, due to their high antioxidant content. For instance, garlic may naturally lower high serum cholesterol levels.

Cheese in sandwiches make you gain weight

Another fattening ingredient of turkey sandwich is cheese. Cheese is high in calories and saturated fat. So, you should eat only small amounts of low-fat cheeses, preferable in salads and healthy snacks, if you want to lose weight.

A slice of cheddar cheese has 70 calories, while a slice of American cheese has 64 calories.

Most noteworthy, these high-fat yellow cheeses are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Just a slice has about 3 grams of saturated fat (24% DV) and 17 mg of cholesterol.

saturated fat
cheddar cheese4092319100
American cheese37517.518100
mozzarella cheese300241265
2% cottage cheese82111.312
Nutritional value of common cheeses (per 100g).

Not consuming too much cholesterol from food is beneficial for our health.

Best cheese for your sandwich

Low-fat cottage cheese is the best option for your favorite turkey sandwich. Cottage is the best cheese for weight loss. A serving has less than 15 calories.

High portion sizes make you fat

Furthermore, a turkey sandwich can make you fat if you eat high amounts. A medium turkey sandwich with 2% cottage cheese and a low-fat dressing has less than 250 calories.

However, a large turkey sandwich with 3 slices of turkey, cheddar cheese, and full-fat mayonnaise may have more than 700 calories!

Too many ingredients make you gain weight

In addition, adding too many ingredients to your turkey sandwich can make you gain weight. Eggs, avocado, lettuce, tomato, or cucumber are healthy. They contain vitamins and minerals that help burn belly fat.

But, too many ingredients can make you fat. They add too many extra calories and may cause digestive disturbances.

As a rule of thumb, prefer sandwiches with no more than 4 ingredients. Fresh vegetables are ideal for weight loss. They promote satiety with only a few calories.

Also, avocado could be a great ingredient to any sandwich. It keeps us full for hours, as it’s the richest fruit in fiber. Moreover, avocado is high in protein, iron, and omega-3s! However, we shouldn’t consume too much if we want to lose weight. It has many calories.

The Best time to eat turkey sandwich for weight loss

At breakfast

The best time to eat a turkey sandwich is at breakfast. It can keep you full for many hours. So, it can help you reduce your total energy intake. Protein, fiber, and water have the highest satiating score! A turkey sandwich is high in protein and fiber![3]

Ground turkey has about 27.4 grams of protein per 100g or 4.4 grams of protein per slice. Moreover, toasted bread has up to 13 grams of protein per 100g. A slice has about 2.6 grams of protein. Cheese is also high in protein. For instance, a slice of cheddar cheese has 4 grams of protein!

So, a turkey sandwich has almost 14 grams of protein!

You could drink a glass of water with your favorite turkey sandwich. Water promotes satiety. Especially when consumed with a high-fiber meal. Proper hydration is necessary for belly fat burning.

Furthermore, you could eat your favorite turkey sandwich with a glass of orange, pineapple, pomegranate, or any other juice. The best time to drink fruit juices is in the morning, as they’re particularly high in sugar and vitamin C. Vitamin C protects the body from oxidative stress while their sugar is stored as muscle glycogen.

Nutritional Value of a turkey sandwichPin

As a snack

Furthermore, a great time to eat a turkey sandwich for weight loss is between meals. Turkey sandwich has a great nutritional value. It contains compounds that increase metabolism and help burn belly fat.

1 slice
2 slices
total% DV
selenium (mcg)416.720.738%
niacin (mg)
thiamine (mg)00.20.219%
riboflavin (mg)00.20.218%
zinc (mg)
vitamin B6 (mg)
vitamin B12 (mcg)0.300.311%
pantothenic acid (mg)
magnesium (mg)4.129.533.68%
choline (mg)1111.122.14%
Nutritional value of a turkey sandwich.

Just a sandwich provides 38% of the recommended daily intake of selenium. Adequate intake of selenium is important for weight loss. Selenium has been associated with a lean body. Obese people tend to have lower levels.[4]

If you want to lose weight or follow a healthier diet, eat turkey sandwiches with whole wheat bread. Whole grains are among the richest foods in thiamine. Thiamine along with other B vitamins are involved in energy metabolism. Overweight people who want to lose weight may benefit from high thiamine dosages.

Riboflavin is also involved in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. Obese people on a diet have higher daily needs! Turkey is a poor dietary source of riboflavin. But, you could eat a turkey sandwich with egg, and whole grain seed bread to boost riboflavin intake. Eggs, seeds, and grains are great natural sources of riboflavin.

Turkey contains moderate amounts of zinc as well. Eat whole grain seed bread to increase zinc intake. Seeds are among the richest vegan foods in zinc! High zinc intakes, as part of a well-balanced diet, have favorable effects in reducing insulin resistance and appetite in individuals with obesity.[5]

Turkey is a great dietary source of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common in obese individuals. You can add a boiled egg to your sandwich. Eggs are naturally high in vitamin B12. Moreover, certain cheeses contribute to the daily vitamin B12 intake. You could add them to your favorite recipe for a turkey sandwich.[6]

At dinner

People who sleep better at night have a lower risk of obesity. However, you shouldn’t eat a turkey sandwich right before bedtime. It can lead to digestive issues, obesity, and poor sleep quality. Actually, the best time to eat dinner is a couple of hours before bedtime.


Above all, turkey is believed to promote a good night’s sleep because it’s one of the richest foods in tryptophan, an essential amino acid. The body doesn’t synthesize it. We have to take it from food.

Among other benefits, a dinner high in tryptophan may improve Stage IV sleep, sleep onset latency, and obstructive sleep apnea![7]

Turkey contains about 310-320 mg of tryptophan per 100g. A 3 oz serving of cooked ground turkey provides about 270 mg of tryptophan.[8]

Bread has some tryptophan as well. It varies greatly among different types of bread, though. Bread has approximately 40-240 mg of tryptophan per 100g. A medium slice of wheat bread has between 12 and 77 mg of tryptophan.[9]

So, a typical turkey sandwich contains about 310 mg of tryptophan. This dose is more than the Daily Value! The recommended daily intake of tryptophan for most adults is between 250 and 425 mg. However, most people who follow a well-balanced diet consume much higher dosages.

Tryptophan is converted into serotonin and niacin by the body.

A turkey sandwich at dinner promotes a good night's sleep!Pin


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in sleep quality and duration. Eating foods high in tryptophan like turkey isn’t enough, though. Sun exposure, exercise, as well as adequate intakes of carbs, certain vitamins, and minerals are necessary for helping the body naturally produce high amounts of serotonin.


Moreover, the body requires high amounts of serotonin and tryptophan, in order to produce melatonin, which is known as the “sleep hormone”. The body produces melatonin mainly during the night. It’s secreted from the pineal gland. Among others, melatonin regulates circadian rhythm, physiology, and sleeping patterns. Therefore, it’s beneficial to consume foods high in melatonin in the afternoon or at night.


High selenium intake has been associated with optimal sleep duration. Especially among overweight people.[9]

Turkey is one of the richest foods in selenium, containing 31 mcg per 100g. Bread is also an excellent source, with 25 mcg of selenium per 100g. Hence, a turkey sandwich may improve sleep because it has approximately 40 mcg of selenium, which is 72% of the Daily Value!


A turkey sandwich with whole wheat bread provides about 17% DV of magnesium which may affect sleep quality and duration, as well as daytime falling asleep, sleepiness, and even snoring.[10]

After Exercise

Moreover, as a turkey sandwich is high in protein and high-quality carbs, athletes can consume it as a post-workout meal. Athletes and active people require high dosages of both carbs and protein after exercise. Carbs promote muscle recovery, whereas protein stimulates muscle hypertrophy.

In addition, a turkey sandwich provides athletes with many important vitamins and minerals for athletic performance, like magnesium, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12.

What’s the worst time of the day to eat a turkey sandwich?

We shouldn’t eat a turkey sandwich right before exercise. Fiber in bread may cause bloating or discomfort. Protein and fat in turkey may delay digestion as well.

How many turkey sandwiches can I eat a day while Dieting?

Certainly, you should eat only a turkey sandwich a day if you want to lose weight. More can make you gain weight.

Most noteworthy, according to World Health Organization (WHO), the consumption of processed meat is carcinogenic to humans! Therefore, we should eat only small amounts of cured, salted, or smoked turkey. So, prefer eating home cooked, unprocessed turkey. It’s healthier.[5]

Another great healthy snack for weight loss is tuna sandwich. It contains no cholesterol or saturated fat.

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