Vitamin C for bodybuilding & athletic performance

Vitamin C is beneficial for bodybuilding. A daily dosage of 200-250 mg helps athletes recover faster after strenuous workouts, promoting muscle growth and athletic performance.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for most adults is 90 mg. Only lactating women (120 mg) and smokers (125 mg) need higher dosages. Food can provide all the vitamin C you need.[1]

Athletes of bodybuilding need higher dosages of vitamin C

Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties. Consuming foods high in antioxidants is good for you, as they neutralize free radicals in the body. Without antioxidants, free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which is a common reason of chronic inflammation and disease!

Athletes of bodybuilding need more vitamin C, as intense exercise produces more free radicals! Consuming foods high in vitamin C is beneficial for athletic performance and building muscle mass. Vitamin C helps muscles to recover faster and fight fatigue! Hence, athletes can perform intense workouts for muscle hypertrophy more often.

How much vitamin C per day for bodybuilding?Pin

The recommended daily dose of 90 mg may not be enough for athletes, though. Athletes should consume 200-250 mg of vitamin C a day, as they have higher antioxidant needs, due to exercise-induced free radicals.

According to a study, published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, athletes of all sports have higher needs for vitamin C. Highly trained runners, soccer players, wrestlers, and basketball players performed great, when took up to 250 mg of vitamin C per day. Keep in mind that vitamin C supplementation beyond 250 mg didn’t improve athletic performance.[2]

Vitamin C for muscle growth

Most noteworthy, vitamin C is vital for the natural synthesis of collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It’s approximately 30% of the body’s protein content.

Furthermore, collagen is found in connective and soft tissue. So, athletes should eat foods that boost the natural synthesis of collagen by the body. Vitamin A, zinc, and copper are necessary for collagen synthesis as well.

Moreover, collagen peptide supplementation is beneficial in bodybuilding. Collagen intake can improve body composition. It may increase lean body mass while decreasing fat mass.[3]

Vitamin C for muscle recovery

Intense exercise produces free radicals. Athletes should follow a diet rich in antioxidants in order to neutralize them. Free radicals produced during exercise may cause muscle fatigue and diminish athletic performance.[4]

Therefore, athletes should get high doses of vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and other antioxidant compounds to recover faster after a strenuous workout.

Green smoothies are great post-workout meals. You can even add herbs to increase the antioxidant status of the body.

Moreover, vitamin C is necessary for a good night’s sleep. It’s absolutely vital for bodybuilders and other athletes who train for increased muscle growth and strength to have a quality sleep at night. Actually, muscle tissue gets bigger when we sleep.

Too much vitamin C may be bad for muscle growth

Although, adequate amounts of vitamin C are necessary for muscle growth, athletes of bodybuilding should avoid taking too much vitamin C from dietary supplements.

Vitamin C supplements boost the antioxidant status of the body, neutralizing most exercise-induced free radicals. However, according to a 2020 study, published in the Journal of Sports Medicine, moderate amounts of free radicals are beneficial for increasing strength and improving muscle contractile activity.[5]

Benefits of vitamin C for athletes & fitness enthusiasts.Pin

It seems that free radicals produced during exercise are important regulators of muscle growth! Therefore, extremely high doses of vitamin C from supplements may be bad for bodybuilding and athletic performance.

High dosages of vitamin C from supplements are considered pretty safe, though.

How much vitamin C per day is ideal for bodybuilding?

According to a study, published in the American College of Sports Medicine, 200 mg of vitamin C a day, consumed from vegetables and fruits, may be enough for bodybuilders. This dosage can reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress, without impairing muscle growth and athletic performance.[6]

Athletes can get more than enough vitamin C by following a plant-based diet. Most fruits and vegetables are excellent dietary sources of vitamin C.

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