Benefits of eating French fries before & after exercise
Air fryer French fries are actually a great post-workout meal. They promote muscle growth & recovery, as they’re packed with vitamins & carbs.
Air fryer French fries are actually a great post-workout meal. They promote muscle growth & recovery, as they’re packed with vitamins & carbs.
Actually, the best time of the day for athletes to eat their favorite candy is right after exercise. Sugar promotes muscle recovery.
An 8 oz glass of orange juice a couple of hours before bed supports a good night’s sleep, weight loss & good health. It’s more than vitamin C.
Oats with yogurt support weight loss. This snack keeps you full for hours & burns belly fat, as it has 24 g of protein, fiber & many vitamins
An omelet can make you gain weight. 3 eggs have fewer than 220 calories. But, butter, vegetable oils, cheese & bacon are very fattening foods!
An oats egg omelet is the best snack for weight loss. It’s a super filling food, having only 250 calories & 16 grams of protein.
Low-fat yogurt at breakfast supports weight loss, especially when combined with certain fruits, seeds, nuts, healthy jams, honey or cinnamon!
Eat a cup of yogurt at dinner for weight loss. Low-fat yogurt has a few calories, while it’s packed with nutrients that burn belly fat.
Eat a cup of yogurt before bed because it’s packed with compounds, such as tryptophan, vitamin B12 & probiotics, which support sleep!
Eating a cup of raw strawberries at dinner supports a good night’s sleep, as they’re rich in vitamin C, melatonin, fiber, and many more!