dates have decent amounts of calcium!

Are dates rich in calcium?

Dates have decent amounts of calcium. They have 64 mg of calcium per 100g, or 6.4% DV. Just a date contains 15.4 mg of calcium, or 1.5% DV.

Dates are good dietary sources of iron!

Are dates rich in iron?

Dates are good sources of iron. Medjool dates have 0.9 mg of iron per 100g, or 5% of the DV. 4 pitted dates provide this amount of iron.

Eat Lentils to increase Iron intake.

Are lentils rich in iron?

Lentils are among the richest plant-based foods in iron. A serving contains 6.6 mg of iron, which is 37% of the recommended daily intake!

Fish & seafood are excellent dietary sources of vitamin B12.

Is fish rich in vitamin B12?

Fish & seafood are excellent dietary sources of vitamin B12. A serving of most common fish provides more than the recommended daily intake!

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