Raspberries for muscle growth & endurance

Eating a cup of raspberries after exercise is good for muscle growth, strength, endurance, recovery, athletic performance, and weight loss, as they’re packed with various crucial compounds, including vitamin C, resveratrol, and anthocyanins!

Athletes need high dosages of Vitamin C

Firstly, raw raspberries are a good post-workout snack because they’re high in vitamin C.

Athletes who follow exhaustive workouts for muscle hypertrophy, strength, or endurance require much higher dosages of vitamin C than the recommended daily intake. Vitamin C promotes muscle growth and recovery, as it neutralizes exercise-induced free radicals.

Only vitamin C from food is beneficial for athletes, though. Extremely high amounts of vitamin C from dietary supplements may have detrimental effects on muscle growth and physical performance.

Raspberries help athletes sleep better at night

Moreover, eating raw raspberries after exercise is beneficial for athletes because they support a good night’s sleep.

Elite and amateur athletes should get a quality night’s sleep. Sleep is an essential component of muscle recovery. During sleep, the body releases the human growth hormone, which is essential for muscle growth and repair.

Among other benefits, this powerful anabolic hormone promotes the synthesis of new proteins.

Without sufficient sleep, the body may produce less growth hormone, which can limit the body’s ability to build new muscle tissue.

Raspberries enhance immunity

Furthermore, athletes should regularly consume red raspberries because they boost the immune system. Raw raspberries are packed with polyphenols and other bioactive compounds, which support the immune functions of the body.

They’re particularly high in ellagitannins and anthocyanins, Anthocyanins give them their distinctive red coloring.[1]

Polyphenols have several therapeutic effects. They have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties!

How many raspberries should athletes eat after exercise?Pin

Raspberries seem to be effective against viral infections. In fact, according to recent studies, they could be an alternative source for managing viral infections.[2]

Additionally, fresh raspberries are excellent dietary sources of resveratrol. Only a few foods contain resveratrol.

This potent antioxidant is a powerful anti-influenza compound. It may inhibit the replication of influenza A virus.[3]

Also, resveratrol has shown promising antiviral activity against numerous viruses responsible for severe respiratory infections.[4]

Berries, peanuts, grapes and red wine are the best dietary sources of resveratrol.

Athletes with enhanced immunity, which protects from viral infections, can perform more intense workouts per year. More intense workouts per year are essential for muscle gain and better athletic performance.

May alleviate joint or muscle pain

Fresh red raspberries may relieve joint and muscle pain. Antioxidants in raspberries (e.g. vitamin C, resveratrol, ellagitannins, anthocyanins) have powerful neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties.

Getting nutrients, which fight inflammation, is crucial for relieving muscle and joint pain. Less pain and healthier joints are necessary for any hard-training athlete who wants to achieve the best physical performance.

Anthocyanins have a great analgesic effect on chronic inflammatory pain. They skyrocket the antioxidant capacity of muscles and joints.[5]

Additionally, ellagitannins may not only alleviate joint pain but also improve motor skills in the joints. Recent studies have shown promising results on joint diseases like osteoarthritis.[6]

Resveratrol may relieve joint pain as well. It also has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties.[7]

Moreover, athletes with joint pain should regularly drink pineapple juice after strenuous exercise. Pineapple is the only food containing bromelain. This enzyme may relieve joint pain as well. Also, it reduces joint stiffness and has potent analgesic properties!

Eat raspberries for a lean body!

Also, eating raspberries after a workout supports a lean body.

Above all, fresh raspberries are high in fiber. Fiber promotes satiety. It increases stomach volume and delays digestion. Actually, a diet high in fiber reduces total energy intake, as it stimulates the release of hormones that signal fullness.

Additionally, polyphenols in red raspberries manage insulin resistance in the muscles. They have beneficial effects on metabolic health.[8]

Raspberries are among the few foods containing high amounts of a powerful phenolic compound, named “raspberry ketone”. It defines the characteristic fragrance and taste of raspberry.

Benefits of eating a cup of raspberries after exercise.Pin

This aromatic compound seems to have many health benefits and plays a beneficial role in weight loss. Raspberry ketone inhibits the formation of new fat tissue. Also, it plays an essential role in belly fat burning, as it enhances the expression of genes involved in lipolysis.[9]

Other common foods high in this raspberry ketone are the most berries, kiwis, peaches, grapes, apples, and some vegetables.

Last, but not least, raspberries help athletes and active people maintain a lean body because they’re high in vitamin C. Adequate amounts of vitamin C are important for weight loss. Vitamin C helps burn belly fat and regulate blood glucose levels.

The key role of folate in the cutting phase!

Also, raw raspberries are among the richest foods in folate. They have 21 mcg of folate per 100g. A serving provides 31.5 mcg of folate. This dose is 8% of the Daily Value.[9]

Firstly, high folate intake seems to have beneficial effects on muscle strength and growth.[10,11]

In addition, high folate intakes could help athletes who have a hard time sleeping at night.[12]

Long-term strenuous physical activity could significantly reduce folate levels in the body, though.[13]

Above all, high folate intake is important for good health. Folate controls homocysteine levels, which may be elevated while following a hypocaloric diet for weight loss. High levels of homocysteine can be dangerous for the cardiovascular system.

So, hard-training athletes who follow strict hypocaloric diets for a leaner body should consume high dosages of folate from food every day.

Raspberries hydrate the body

Eating raspberries after exercise is good for hydrating the body. Proper hydration is necessary for muscle recovery, muscle hypertrophy, increased athletic performance, and weight loss.

Firstly, raw raspberries hydrate the body because they’re 85% water. A cup provides about 130 ml of high-quality purified water.

Moreover, raspberries and other fruits are natural water filters.

Additionally, raspberries hydrate the body better than tap water because they contain electrolytes. They’re particularly high in magnesium and potassium.

Electrolytes are involved in maintaining fluid balance, regulating muscle function, as well as fat metabolism!

On the other hand, electrolyte imbalances in athletes can cause fatigue and cramps! Hence, athletes should be very mindful of getting adequate amounts of electrolytes.

How to eat raspberries after exercise?

Certainly, athletes could eat a cup of raw raspberries as a post-workout snack.

Also, they could use them to prepare a healthy post-workout smoothie or a fruit salad.

You should add at least a scoop of high-quality protein powder to your post-workout smoothie. Not only does protein support muscle growth, but also it keeps us full for a long time. Especially when combined with fiber!

Athletes could also eat raspberries with Greek yogurt after exercise. Raspberries are high in fiber, while Greek yogurt is high in protein.

How to eat raspberries for athletic performance & muscle growth?Pin

Moreover, athletes could eat frozen sweetened raspberries after exercise. Actually, the best time of the day to eat added sugar is right after a workout. Then the body has increased insulin sensitivity. Sugar promotes recovery, as it replenishes muscle glycogen stores.

Hence, raspberry jam or any other raspberry sweets are also beneficial for athletes when consumed after exercise. You can use a high-quality raspberry jam to prepare your favorite post-workout snacks:

On the contrary, athletes of bodybuilding who are in the cutting phase should eat only unsweetened raspberries. Fresh raspberries are low in sugar as compared to other common fruits.

Why should athletes eat other berries after exercise?

As a rule of thumb, it’s good for you to consume a wide variety of healthy foods to enhance muscle recovery. Each food has a different nutritional value.

All berries are beneficial for athletes. However, it’s preferable to consume them in combination.

For instance, strawberries are also great post-workout snacks. Among others, they’re packed with melatonin, which is essential for muscle growth and recovery. Raspberries have negligible amounts of melatonin.

Also, strawberries have substantially more vitamin C than other berries!

How many raspberries should athletes eat after exercise?

Unsweetened raspberries are low in calories. They have only 78 calories per cup. So, athletes and active people could 2 cups a day.

On the contrary, it’s preferred to eat only one cup of sweetened raspberries as a post-workout snack. A cup has 155 calories and 33 grams of sugar!

We can eat fresh raspberries every day. Consuming reasonable amounts is rather unlikely to have side effects.

The worst time to eat raspberries is before exercise

Athletes shouldn’t eat strawberries right before exercise. It takes time to digest fiber in raspberries. Fiber may cause stomach discomfort, or digestive issues, such as gas or bloating.

Eating any food high in fiber before a workout can have detrimental effects on physical performance. For instance, endurance athletes shouldn’t consume fiber 3 hours before a race!

What’s the best time of the day to eat raspberries?

If you want to lose weight, the best time to eat raw raspberries is before a meal high in calories. Fiber and water in calories regulate hunger. So, we consume fewer calories.

Also, a great time to eat raspberries for good health is at breakfast. Antioxidants in raspberries protect the body during the day from oxidative stress. Air pollution, sun radiation, poor diet, smoking etc. are common causes of oxidative stress. The eyes and skin are most vulnerable.

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