Are watermelon seeds edible?

Not only are watermelon seeds edible, but also, they have a superior nutritional value! Eat a small handful as part of a healthy diet in order to:

  • lose weight
  • protect your heart
  • boost your immune system
  • build muscle mass or
  • preserve lean mass while dieting

Are watermelon seeds poisonous?

They are fruit seeds, such as apricot, cherry, peach, or apple seeds, which are poisonous. We should avoid consuming them. On the contrary, watermelon seeds are perfectly safe to eat. They aren’t poisonous, as they have negligible amounts of cyanide.[1]

Why should I eat watermelon seeds?

Watermelon seeds have a superior nutritional value. They’re rich in minerals, protein, healthy unsaturated fatty acids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, tocopherol, and phytosterol.[2]

On the other hand, watermelon flesh is almost 100% sugars.

Watermelon seeds may help you lose weight

Above all, watermelon seeds may help you lose weight, as they’re pretty low in calories. 1 oz (about 28 grams) of watermelon seeds contains only 160 calories.[3]

But, most people consume much smaller doses. Practically, a handful of watermelon seeds (4 grams) has only 25 calories! Hence, roasted watermelon seeds can be a healthy, low-calorie snack!

Moreover, watermelon seeds are among the richest natural sources of arginine. Arginine is an amino acid which plays a key role in the synthesis of many hormones, such as testosterone and the human growth hormone! Therefore, arginine may help athletes build muscle mass or people who follow a hypocaloric diet to preserve lean body mass.

Consumption of watermelon can significantly increase the plasma L-arginine levels. High arginine levels may increase body metabolism, and also enhance cardiovascular and immune response![4]

Moreover, watermelon and watermelon seeds have a high satiating effect, helping overweight people reduce body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist to hip ratio!

Furthermore, watermelon seeds are a great dietary source of magnesium. 1 serving (a handful) of watermelon seeds contains about 21 mg of magnesium. A diet high in magnesium is beneficial for weight loss! Additionally, magnesium is crucial for healthy bones, protein synthesis, energy metabolism, proper muscle and nerve function, and for the control of blood glucose and blood pressure![5]

Watermelon seeds may protect your heart

Regular watermelon and watermelon seeds consumption seems to lower triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Also, watermelon contains high amounts of  L-citrulline and L-arginine which can relieve us from inflammation and oxidative stress. Moreover, watermelon supports healthy blood pressure, as it’s rich in nitric oxide (NO) which relaxes blood vessels, improves the supply of blood flow, and reduces the atherosclerosis by influencing the lipid metabolism.[4]

Additionally, watermelon seeds mainly contain healthy fats. They’re particularly rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for the heart when eaten in moderation.[6]

Last, but not least, watermelon seeds contain traces of many minerals, such as calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese!

Can I eat watermelon seeds raw?

The easiest way to take advantage of the superior nutritional value of watermelon seeds is to eat them raw with the rest of the fruit.

Moreover, you could roast watermelon seeds in the oven for a couple of minutes, till they get crispy. They’re a healthy, low-calorie snack. Sprinkle them with olive oil and salt to make them even tastier.

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